2019 Dues Notice

By Lambs Club 2/18/18

Dues notices were mailed to all members in late January. Avoid late fees by paying dues before March 20th. Your prompt payment is appreciated!

Please note, 2019 Dues will be increasing $50 for all categories. To prevent further increases, or the need for an assessment, please bring in more members!! More members help pay the rent and provide for a more interesting experience in the Club. Remember, for each new member you sponsor you recieve a $50 credit for the next dues billing cycle.

2019 Rates

Theatrical: $675
Patrons: $825 (set as $150 above the Theatrical rate)
Junior Theatrical $375 (set as $300 below the Theatrical rate)
Non-Resident Discount -$100 (legal residence of more than 50 miles from Columbus Circle, and no permanent residence or office within the City of New York; applies to Theatrical and Patron membership only).

The one-time Initiation fee is set as 60% of the appropriate dues; The rejoin fee is $50. Dues are prorated by quarters. For example, someone joining in July would pay 50% of the applied dues rate. Imitation fees are not prorated.

Dues notice will be mailed mid January. Please do not mail in payments until you recieve your membership dues bill. Once recieved, please make payment prompt. Dues more than 60 days are subject to a late fee of $25; dues 90 days late are subject to a second $25 late fee and privileges may be suspended. You prompt payment is appreciated!

Those who with more than five years of consecutive membership may purchase a Lifetime Membership at the cost of ten times the applied dues rate.  A theatrical lifetime membership awarded in 2019 would cast $6,750.00