Admissions Committee Report:

June 5, 2021

As required by our Lambs 2016 Blue Book, all new or proposed members are to be posted on our bulletin boards, allowing members an opportunity to support or object to any membership application. The Council has agreed that in addition to our physical space, the web site shall also contain these postings. Here we are… Continue reading →

2020 Election News

October 20, 2020

The Nominating Committee has selected the following four candidates for your consideration, as accepted by Council on October 19, 2020; for four Council seat, 3-year terms January 1, 2021 to December 31st, 2024: Sarah-Ann Rodgers Gus Rosendale leslie Shreve Richard J. Porter Any member in good standing with consecutive membership of at least 3 years… Continue reading →

Shepherd’s Luncheon with Ken Howard

March 3, 2015

The Shepherd’s Luncheon honoring Ken Howard was a great success! Well attended, a fun time, and $300 raised for The Lambs Foundation. Howard, an award winning actor, was inducted as an Honorary Lifetime Member in recognition for his varied acting career, which includes theater, television and film, and for his contributions to his fellow actors… Continue reading →

Featured Article in BACKSTAGE

August 25, 2014

The Lambs Is Still Thriving 140 Years Later – By Ruthie Fierberg (BACK STAGE Aug. 24, 2014) The Lambs were a bunch of actors pretending to be gentlemen, the Players were gentlemen pretending to be actors, and the Friars were neither pretending to be both, goes an old adage about the three infamous theatrical social… Continue reading →