Dewar, Robert B. K.

10630606_10204400481869398_6197883006522616593_oRobert was born in England and received his early education there. He immigrated to the United States in 1959 and earned a BS and a PhD in chemistry from the University of Chicago in the 1960’s. A career in academia, most of it in computer sciences, followed at the Illinois Institute of Technology and then at New York University. At NYU, Robert was a full professor, chaired the Department of Computer Science and served as the Director of Graduate Studies and the Director of Undergraduate Studies. He published and consulted extensively, and founded Ada Core Technologies, of which he is currently President and CEO. Robert’s performing experience began in his college days and has continued to the present. He has studied and played bassoon, organ and recorder, directed and conducted musical theatre, opera and operetta, and appeared in principal parts with the Village Light Opera Group, Utopia Unlimited and Amore Opera as well as sung with the Berkshire Choral Society for twelve seasons.