Moore, Lee

Lee MooreLee Moore (1929-2018) was an actor on stage, screen, and radio. He is the only member of The Lambs to have appeared in a Marvel Cinematic Universe film. He spent four consecutive years as leading man in summer stock and performed regionally with the Arizona Theatre Company (Tucson), Buffalo Arena, Cleveland Playhouse, Geva Theatre Center (Rochester), and Mill Mountain Theatre (Roanoke).

He was elected to The Lambs in 2002 as a professional member.

Moore was born in Brooklyn on February 19, 1929, to Julia Gunther Ingelbord and Joseph Moore, both professional singers. He was a student at Erasmus Hall in Brooklyn and Litchfield High School. During the Korean War he served in the U.S. Air Force.

His film credits included Avengers: Endgame (2019) as the 93-year-old Scott Lang/Ant-Man, Mr. Poppers Penguins (2011), Any Day Now (1998), and The Law of the Desert (1991). He appeared Off Broadway in many roles at the Mint Theatre at 42nd Street. Moore’s TV credits included Hope and Faith, O’Hara, The Law, and Harry McGraw. Among his numerous daytime drama roles was seven years as Glenn Taggart on Guiding Light.

He spent six years with his own radio show in New York, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. He wrote his own commercial copy on radio as well as poetry. “His friends have been smitten by doggerel he’s written.” His first screenplay, a thriller, Killerwatts, was based on his time on radio in Pennsylvania. Moore also wrote a screenplay about actor Edwin Booth, Edwin the Actor King.

He penned A Difference for Jonathan, which was later produced as a short film, The Barrymore Chair.

Moore and actress-singer Leslie Middlebrook were married Oct. 6, 1990. The couple enjoyed membership of both The Lambs and The Players.

Lee Moore died on August 16, 2018, in New York City. He was 89.