Over the years The Lambs has developed a lingo of its own. The following are terms you’ll hear around The Lambs (in alphabetical order)
- Blue Book — the Constitution, By-Laws, House Rules and Membership Roster published from time-to-time, and downloadable for members
- Boy — the Vice President of The Lambs
- Collie — the Producer or chairperson of an event or Gambol
- Floreant Agni — the official motto of The Lambs. Latin translating to: May The Lambs Flourish
- The Fold — The Lambs’ Clubhouse
- Gambol — a large entertainment event, often a fundraiser (because little lambs gambol or frolic)
- Herder — the assistant to a Collie
- Immortal Lamb — a special category for greatly honored departed Lamb
- Junior Lamb — younger theatrical members under 40-years old
- Lambkin — a new Lamb during the first year of membership
- Lambaste — a special event to roast a member or guest, similar to The Friars’ Roast
- Low Jinks — informal, unrehearsed entertainment
- Shepherd — the president of The Lambs
- The Lambs’ Script — the Club newsletter, published since 1932
- The Wash – (or washing) — an outing for the members. In recent years held at the Actor’s Fund Lillian Booth Residence in Engelwood, NJ.
- Browsing — historical term for dining parties. Now used for general social gatherings.
- Frolic — a gathering for members with no special theme, open to non-members to view the Club