The Lambs’ Monthly Meetings for Creators

By Kevin C Fitzpatrick 1/6/23

In February we will launch monthly nights around the core of writing for an audience: songwriting, playwriting, and screenwriting. These sessions in our clubhouse will bring together those of us who are creators. You are welcome to bring friends to these nights and perhaps interest them in joining the club. I’d very much like to attend a show or hear a song that originated at The Lambs. With Lambs hosts Marc Baron, Maura Campbell, Peter Dizozza, Art Feinglass, Coren Feldman, Dr. Sue Horowitz, and Alex Wright.

Screenwriter Sessions
1st Tuesdays of the month
Co-Hosts: Lambs Marc Baron, Alex Wright
Have an idea for writing a film? Join this monthly night at The Lambs to give and receive feedback on your scripts-in-progress in a supportive environment. Come meet friends who also are working on screenplays on the Lambs’ 5th Floor. You can invite friends who may also be interested in writing a movie.
Screenwriter Sessions – 1st Tuesdays

Playwright Night
2nd Tuesdays of the month
Co-Hosts: Lambs Maura Campbell, Art Feinglass
Come develop your ideas for a play at a collaborative and supportive night at The Lambs. Do you have ideas for something you would like to bring to the stage? Gather together with other like-minded writers and work on your script on the Lambs’ 5th Floor. You can invite friends who may also be interested in writing a show.
Playwright Nights-2nd Tuesdays

Songwriters Salon
3rd Mondays of the month
Co-Hosts: Lambs Peter Dizozza, Dr. Sue Horowitz, Coren Feldman
Do you have a song inside you? Come to our monthly gathering with those who are songwriters. Bring your ideas for a collaborative night of words and music. Gather around the Steinway on the Lambs’ 5th Floor and make music together. You can invite friends who may also be interested in songwriting.
Songwriters Salon – 3rd Mondays